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SAFE at Home with BFAllc

During these hectic, uncertain times, we are at home more than ever!

So, let's talk about safety at home.

An accessible home is a safe home. When your house is modified to your needs, you have peace of mind that you can move around your home independently and safely.

The most common problems with an inaccessible home:

  • Falling on the floor and getting stuck in the bathroom. 

    • If your bathroom door opens inward and you fall, it can be difficult or even dangerous, to open the door if you are on the ground.

  • Falling in the bathtub.

    • Without any grab bars in the shower/ bathtub area, you have nothing to hold onto if you lose your balance and fall. It can take 2-3 people to safely lift you from the bathtub.

  • Tripping over a step. 

    • Houses are not built with accessibility in mind. Many houses have random steps between rooms, making it difficult to smoothly move around the house. Grab bars or removing the thresholds is the best way to solve this problem.

If you or a loved one has experienced at least one of these situations, please give us a call at 734-414-9525. 

An accessible home allows you to have independence!

#accessible #accessibility #accessiblehome #safeathome #safety #independence # aginiginplace # 

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